Eight Random Things MEME

Teach Web 2.0 and Othersideofthedesk both tagged me for the 8 random things MEME, so here goes…


1. Post these rules before you give your facts.
2. List 8 random facts about yourself.
3. At the end of your post, choose (tag) 8 people and list their names, linking to them.
4. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been tagged.

Eight Random Facts About Me:

1. I love to travel and have been to Poland, Israel, Mexico (several times) and Italy, as well as various places in the US, and I hope to add more countries to my list this next summer.

2. I am a voracious reader and have recently become obsessed with Shelfari.

3. My first department head was also my 6th grade English teacher. YIKES!

4. I have an Italian Greyhound named Abbey.

5. I stopped drinking sodas about six years ago and haven’t had a taste since.

6. I used to kick-box and now enjoy boxing with my heavy bag in my garage.

7. My maiden name is Stephens and my married name is Stevens. Hee hee!

8. I am a very picky eater. I don’t like chocolate, butterscotch and am very particular about the meat I eat, but I love ALL vegetables. 🙂

Four Blogs I’m Tagging

1. FinalCurve
2. Jig-Saw History
3. What I Think

4. LeftLane Ends
5. The Education Fuse 
6. CatWhillock’s Blog 

Sorry… only tagging six.

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One Comment on “Eight Random Things MEME”

  1. froese Says:

    Ok – is it just me, or does the MEME thing ring of chain letter, pass it on – or else type stuff? 😛

    I just can’t go there… but thank YOU for sharing!

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